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FT Rethink series focuses on the people, technology, strategies and systems moving us from an economy that is wasteful, idle, lopsided and dirty towards one that is circular, lean, inclusive and clean. The channel alternates between independent reporting from FT journalists and business perspectives from Lombard Odier

FT Rethink looks at building a sustainable economy by transforming key economic systems: land and oceans, energy, materials and pricing externalities.

More from the FT Rethink channel

Why leather from fishskin and fungi fibres are becoming the height of fashion

Alternative fibres can help to reduce the clothing industry’s huge carbon footprint

Could a new law really protect Europe’s soil?

Poor soil conditions have prompted the EU to introduce its first law designed to protect this precious resource, but questions remain around its practical application.

Circular, lean, inclusive and clean focuses on the people, technology, strategies and systems moving us from an economy that is wasteful, idle, lopsided and dirty towards one that is circular, lean, inclusive and clean

More from the FT Rethink channel

by Lombard Odier

Plastic's new chapter

Powerful forces are combining to turn the tide of plastic pollution, 70 years after it first became a part of our lives.

Biodiversity funds are springing up in the investor market

A number of biodiversity funds have recently sprung up to supposedly help protect the world from biodiversity loss. Could they actually make a difference?

Rethink Sustainability explores the spread of sustainable practises into urban systems, food systems, financial systems and supply chains

More from the FT Rethink channel

by Lombard Odier

Biodiversity: the risks of living outside nature’s boundaries

From bacteria to blue whales and from fungi to flowers, the loss of Earth’s biodiversity and the subsequent damage to our ecosystem is one of the top ten dangers facing society today.

by Lombard Odier

Decarbonisation: plotting the path to net zero

There is limited time left to reduce emission levels and mitigate climate change risks, but the path to net zero will bring with it significant investment opportunities

Sustainability Revolution takes a look into every aspect of life and business – from healthcare to data management, transport and energy

More from the FT Rethink channel

by Lombard Odier

DYSFUNCTIONAL: exploring sustainability through design

Artist Mathieu Lehanneur discusses his work for new exhibit DYSFUNCTIONAL, created in partnership with Carpenters Workshop Gallery and Lombard Odier.

Can we build smarter people using AI?

Theoretical neuroscientist and entrepreneur Vivienne Ming believes that AI and what she calls “augmented intelligence” mean we’ll eventually have people who are artificially smarter than others.

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